With the 20th anniversary of Lost, I recently rewatched the show and fell on the Lost Explained YouTube channel too (which I highly recommend). It's one of my favourite series of all time. Was it perfect? No. But the bizarre combination of mystery, sci-fi, mystiscism, island adventure and character-focus made it a "one of a kind" television experience.
While rewatching the show, my brain mulled over the world and how I would envision Lost as a game. So I made this little fan game as a tribute to the series. Some things to keep in mind:
The gameplay is a mix of adventure, exploration and light RPG elements.
As the show was “character focused”, I decided there shouldn’t be a single main character. Instead the game is divided into chapters and you switch between characters.
There are only 6 chapters in total. The first chapter is very simple, just Jack saving people on the beach. In chapter 2, you play Kate and I add light combat. Chapter 3, it’s boar hunting time :)
Rather than try to adapt the show as accurately as possible, I decided to simply focus on 6 fun chapters that jump through season 1 rapidly. So you will find some parts don’t match exactly the events of the show – I think twisting the story slightly makes it a bit more mysterious.
Combat is loosely derived from a mix of games including Grandia, Child of Light and Chronotrigger.
Just to be clear, I’m not going to work further on this. It's just a theoretical mockup of what a Lost game could be like. To any Lost fans who find this – enjoy.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognisable characters, settings, plot, visuals, audio, etc. are the property of their respective owners and creators.
The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
The following is a work of pure fan fiction and is non-commercial in nature. It is merely a tribute – inspired by one of the greatest television shows ever produced.